Getting a business loan can be hard if you have a low credit score. But don’t worry! You can still find ways to get the money you need for your business.
Aditya Pratap Singh • 27 Dec 2024
5 min read
Here are some tips to help you get a loan with a low credit score:
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and fintech companies can be a good option when you need a loan. They are often more flexible than regular banks and focus on how well your business is doing instead of just looking at your credit score.
Why Should You Try NBFCs and Fintech Lenders?
One way to improve your chances of getting a loan is to offer collateral. Collateral is something valuable (like property or gold) that you give the lender as a promise that you will pay back the loan. If you can’t pay, they can take the collateral.
Why is Collateral Good?
Lenders want to know that your business is making money and can pay back the loan. If you can show your business is making a profit and has a steady cash flow, you’ll have a better chance of getting the loan.
What Should You Show?
The government of India has special loan schemes to help small businesses, especially those with a moderate credit score. These schemes can make it easier for you to get a loan.
Government Schemes You Can Use:
If you can’t get a loan by yourself, you can add someone else who has a good credit score as a co-borrower or guarantor. This person will help show the lender that the loan is safe.
Why Add a Co-Borrower or Guarantor?
Even with a low credit score, you can still get a business loan. You can do this by trying out NBFCs or fintech lenders, offering collateral, showing your business is making money, using government schemes, or adding a co-borrower. A low credit score doesn’t mean you can’t get the loan you need. By following these tips, you can still get the funds to grow your business.